All functions can be controlled individually to create many combinations of processing conditions. 所有的功能都可以单独控制以实现多种处理条件的组合。
The influence of annealing and processing conditions on the mechanical property and sagging resistance of the brazing sheet is investigated in this paper. 研究了高频钎焊铝管用硬钎焊带退火工艺对材料力学性能、耐下垂性能的影响。
Therefore, good processing conditions for manufacturing microcellular plastics are discussed by experiments. 并通过部分实验加以讨论,提出了挤出制备微孔泡沫塑料的较佳工艺条件。这对挤压加工设备的选用有积极作用。
Processing conditions are main factors specifying the quality of processed cheese spreads. 加工条件对于涂抹型再制干酪的品质控制具有重要的作用。
In addition, the processing conditions and technologies of dope dyeing method for the colored meta-aramid fibers produced were introduced in detail. 同时介绍了原液着色方法制备间位芳香族聚酰胺有色纤维的工艺与条件。
Effects of Processing Conditions on Process Cheese Functional Properties 加工条件对再制干酪功能特性的影响
The paper mainly studied the processing conditions of bamboo by hydrogen peroxide alkaline pulping in lab. 对竹片碱性过氧化氢法制浆工艺条件进行了探讨。
Effect of processing conditions on the sensory quality of sand Artemisia noodles 工艺条件对沙蒿面条感官品质的影响
Refer to Processing Conditions section of this web site for recommended starting temperatures. 参照在网站上建议的成型条件区作为建议的起始温度。
In most cases in which a coefficient has been calculated the experimental situation was remote from practical processing conditions. 大多情况是,计算摩擦系数的试验条件与实际生产加工条件间,存在有很大的差别。
And studied the processing conditions of making kraft pulp, the influences of different pulp ratio on paper qualities. 本论文着重讨论了用棉秆生产挂面牛皮箱纸板的生产工艺条件。
Study on Processing Conditions of Ion Exchange Chromatography of Hydrolysis-prepared Inositol 水解法制取肌醇的离子交换层析工艺条件研究
Effect of Different Processing Conditions on Tea Ultrafine Pulverizing 不同加工条件对茶叶超微粉碎效果的影响
The etching depth of the circles showed a decreasing trend in the same processing conditions. 比较了相同实验条件下直线轨迹与圆环轨迹的刻蚀深度。
Given die geometry and processing conditions, diameter and thickness along axis are calculated, stress of the film are shown, the blow rate and final thickness are gained. 在给定机头几何形状和工艺条件下,计算出了半径和厚度沿轴线的分布,给出了膜泡的应力状态,求出了吹胀比和最终膜厚。
On the basis of polymer physics, expressions of zero shear viscosity and apparent viscosity related to processing conditions and material structures were built. 根据高分子物理学,建立了反应体系的零剪切黏度、表观黏度与工艺条件、材料结构的关系式。
Relationship Between Compatibility, Processing Conditions, Structure and Properties of PVC/ CPE Blend 聚氯乙烯/氯化聚乙烯共混材料的相容性、加工条件与结构、性能关系
And it is also shown that the processing conditions such as emulsifier concentration, shear rate and emulsification temperature have significant effects on the property of emulsion prepared. 乳化剂浓度、搅拌强度和乳化温度也会影响相反转乳化过程,最终对所制备的水性环氧固化剂乳液的粒径及稳定性产生重要的影响。
Abstract: it is put forward the primary purpose and essence of Agri-business and showed its ORGANIZATLON inodels and processing conditions by introducing the background put forward agribusiness. 文摘:介绍了农业产业化的提出背景,指出了农业产业化的根本目的和实质,说明了农业产业化的组织模式及其运行条件。
Effect of processing conditions on the phase constituent and microstructure of mullite ceramics 工艺条件对莫来石陶瓷相组成和显微结构的影响
When using for more stringent processing conditions, please test in advance, use after verifying repeatedly. 当加工条件比较严格时,请事先进行试验,经过反复验证后再加以使用。
The sheath scale varies to a different degree with respect to parameter change for different processing conditions. 但对于不同的参数区间,鞘层特性对参数的变化表现出不同的敏感性。
Study on stability of bovine colostrums insulin-like growth factor-I under normal dairy processing conditions 牛初乳IGF-I在常用乳品加工条件下的稳定性研究
Effects of Processing Conditions on Protein Secondary Structure of Processed Cheese 加工条件对再制干酪蛋白质二级结构的影响
Processing Conditions and Mechanical Property of Long Glass Fiber Reinforced Injection-moulded PEEK Composites 长玻纤增强注塑聚醚醚酮复合材料加工工艺与力学性能的研究
Processing conditions of polysaccharide in Lingwu chang date were optimized with mono-factor analysis and orthogonal test. 研究灵武长枣在纤维素酶的辅助下水提多糖工艺的最佳工艺参数及其抗氧化作用。
Formulated for superior surface aesthetics, it exhibits excellent melt stability and high flow over a broad range of processing conditions. 优越的表面美学的配方,它具有优良的熔体稳定性和加工条件的范围广泛的高流量。
Study on optimization of clarification processing conditions of Pinctada martensii hydrolysate 马氏珍珠贝酶解液澄清工艺条件优化的研究
Extrusion is a widely employed technique in industry to fabricate ceramic objects, Successful extrusion relies on proper formulation and processing conditions. 挤出成型为陶瓷业界经常采用制程技术,其成功仰赖于恰当的配方以及制程条件。